What are the Steps for Owning a Firearm?
The odds of being handed a set of keys to a fighter jet are pretty slim, because most people have no idea what they’re doing and would end up crashing million-dollar jet. Although owning a firearm is not quite as expensive it can be just as deadly if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are reasons why a person must complete certain tasks in order to own a firearm, and one of the big reasons is safety.
Below is a list of steps that a person must take in order to own a firearm in states where firearm safety certificates are required:
- Firearm Safety Certificate – One of the first steps, and most important is obtaining a Firearm Safety Certificate. The Firearm Safety Certificate ensures that a person has at least some basic understanding of firearms. That basic understanding includes: handling the firearm safely and storing the firearm safely.
- Firearm Safety Course – In order to get the FSC a person must take a written exam and pass with a 70% or better. There is a class, online that can be taken that will go over firearm basics. The class will cover everything you need to know to pass the written exam.
- Firearm Safety Law – In California it is part of the law that a person proves he or she is able to use a firearm properly and store it properly. The last thing anyone wants is to accidentally discharge their firearm. That is why many states require people to take some sort of class to truly understand what being a firearm owner is and why it is so important to have knowledge of their firearm and how to store it safely.
- Firearm Safety Device – Another important piece to being a firearm owner is storing your firearm safely. A firearm should never be stored loaded. It should also never be stored with its ammunition. Depending on whether or not there are children living in the home will depend on whether a device and a lock box would be a good idea.
- Firearm Safety R’s – Respect and Responsibility – A person must respect the dangers that come with owning a firearm. Being aware of what those dangers can be will allow a person to be responsible about how he or she uses and stores their firearm.
Being the owner of a firearm is a big deal. Anyone wanting to become a firearm owner needs to follow the proper steps to learn about firearms and how to use them safely. It is also important for a firearm owner to also know how to store his or her firearm safely. No one wants anyone to get hurt, so that is why there are laws in place to prevent just anyone from owning a firearm.