Basic Gun Safety Rules

What Does the Red Dot Mean?

All our lives we are taught that red means “STOP”. Red stop signs tell us to stop and look before entering the intersection. Traffic lights have red, yellow and green. Green means go. Yellow means caution, and slow down. Red means to stop. On a firearm, there is a red dot. What does the red […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

Best Solution to Increase Gun Safety – Education?

Gun control/safety is a pretty hot topic these days. Everyone has their own opinion about who should have access. Some feel the gun laws should be very strict, while others feel the firearms laws should be more “relaxed”. Whether you feel strongly one way or the other one topic most people can agree on is […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

Firearm Safety – For Everyone in the House

To own a firearm, in California person must go through a Firearm Safety Course, successfully. The tricky part comes into play when the firearm owner understands firearm safety, but the rest of the household may not. One of the best ways to minimize firearm accidents is by making sure that everyone in the house receives […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

5 Reasons to Get a Firearm Safety Certificate

Owning a firearm is a huge responsibility and requires a person to obtain a Firearm Safety Certificate. Being required to obtain one is not the only reason to get a Firearm Safety Certificate. Below is a list of 5 reasons to get a Firearm Safety Certificate. Family Safety – The purpose of a Firearm Safety […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

Firearm Requirements for Sales and Transfers

There are firearm laws in place for a very good reason, to keep people safe, whether they own firearms or not. Firearm requirements for sales and transfers must involve a licensed firearm dealer. Other firearm requirements for sales and transfers include the following: Firearm Requirements for Sales and Transfers Firearm Sales The purchaser must provide […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

Firearm Storage and Safety

Firearm storage and safety should be top priorities for any firearm owner. Understanding how to keep a firearm stored properly and safely is the best way to avoid firearm accidents. It is also a good idea to make sure everyone in the house understands how to handle the firearm safely, even if they have no […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

4 Rules for Kids Finding a Firearm

No one is going to argue that firearms can be dangerous. Firearms were designed to injure and/or kill someone. However, a firearm in and of itself is not dangerous because it requires someone to load and fire it. Many firearm accidents occur because someone was irresponsible with the firearm. However, most firearm accidents occur because […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

6 Basic Gun Safety Rules

Whether you are the owner of a firearm or live in the home of someone who owns firearms there are six basic gun safety rules that should be followed by everyone. If anyone who might come in contact with that firearm understands the following six basic gun safety rules than the odds of everyone staying […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog