Safety Devices for a Firearm
Being a responsible firearm owner does not stop at getting the proper certification or cleaning your firearm properly. A responsible firearm owner also needs to properly store his or her firearm safely. In the state of California a firearm owner is required to have a way to store the firearm safely with either an approved safety device or a gun safe. The DOJ has a list of approved firearm safety devices that a person can purchase.
There are many different options to choose from. They range not only in price, but also different levels of safety. A firearm safety device is strictly designed to stop a person from being able to load or the fire the firearm. It does not, however, stop the firearm from being handled or stolen.
There are containers specifically designed for firearms. The owner of the firearm can place their firearm in a locking storage container. This type of container does not keep a person from loading and/or firing the firearm. The best solution is to do both. Using a safety device and a locking storage container will ensure the maximum security.
The 2 most widely used types of locking devices are cable locks and trigger locks. The cable lock usually has a strong steel cable that loops through the action of the firearm. The purpose of that is to prevent the firearm from accidentally being fired. Most trigger locks have 2 pieces which are designed to fit around the trigger and the trigger guard, thus preventing any access to the trigger. Be aware that neither of these devices prevents the firearm from being taken.
In order to protect a person’s investment it is also a good idea to purchase either a small lock box or a large gun safe. The main purpose of these is to prevent anyone from handling or taking the firearm. The small lock box is not as reliable but it is easier to store and not as expensive. The gun safe is the most expensive but is certainly more able to keep a firearm from being stolen. In either case, since both types of containers lock, this is a secondary defense to keeping anyone from accidentally firing the firearm.
Keep in mind that these devices can only do their jobs if the person is also responsible with the key or combination. If the key is left out in the open or the combination is shared with everyone the firearm is no longer protected.
Being the owner of a firearm is a very big responsibility and should not be taken lightly. There are many steps to making sure that the person knows how to handle the firearm, which is why a person must get certified. The person needs to know how to clean and maintain their firearm so it does not malfunction. The person also needs to be sure that the firearm is stored safely. Using safety devices and locking containers is the best way to ensure that the firearm cannot not be accidentally fired or stolen.