Purchase of Firearms, Part 2
As you saw with Purchase of Firearms, Part 1 there several steps that need to be followed in order to purchase a firearm. Part 2 continues to look at the requirements necessary in order to purchase a firearm.
Certificate Requirement – Firearm Safety
In order to purchase or obtain a firearm you must have a valid, up-to-date Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC). To get an FSC you must pass a written exam, with a 75% or better, which covers firearm laws and safety requirements. The written exam must be given by DOJ certified instructor. A DOJ certified instructor can usually be found at a firearm dealership. The FSC is $25 and is valid for five years.
Demonstration Requirement – Safe Handling
You will also need to perform a safe handling demonstration, properly, before you can take delivery of the firearm you are purchasing. The demonstration must be performed using the gun you are acquiring or purchasing. These safe handling demonstration must be performed in front of a DOJ certified instructor. It must be done sometime between when the DROS is submitted and the delivery of the firearm. The demonstration is usually performed at the firearm dealership. All three, the DOJ certified instructor, the firearms dealer and the purchaser must sign an affidavit stating that the safe handling demonstrated was completed properly.
Device Requirement – Firearms Safety
Handguns and long guns purchase in California of must come with a firearm safety device (FSD). The FSD must be listed on the official DOJ’s roster of DOJ approved firearm safety devices. To get on the DOJ’s approved firearm safety devices roster the FSD must have passed required safety and functionality tests. This requirement can also be completed if the purchaser signed an affidavit stating they have ownership of either a DOJ approved lock-box or a gun safe capable of holding the firearm being purchased.
Certified for Sale in California – Roster of Handguns
The handgun being sold by the firearms dealer to the public must be listed on the DOJ’s official roster of handguns certified for sale in California. The handgun will not make it onto the roster list of it has not already been certified which means it has passed required safety and functionality tests. There is a current roster of handguns which are certified for sale in California on the Bureau of firearms website.
30 Days Requirement – One Handgun
A person can only purchase one handgun within any 30 day period. The only exceptions to this rule include intra-familial transfers, private party transfers and pawn returns.
Residence Requirement – New California Law
Anyone wanting to move to California with the intention of living in the state of California is required to either report ownership of a firearm(s) to the DOJ within 60 days or sell or transfer the firearm according to California law. Anyone wanting to keep their firearm must submit a new resident firearm ownership report and pay a $19 fee to the DOJ forms are available at licensed firearm dealer’s, online at the Bureau of firearms website or at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Purchase of Firearms, Part 1 and Part 2 are general overviews of how to purchase firearms in the state of California. Anyone having more specific questions or unusual circumstances should speak with a licensed firearm dealer or the DOJ.