Carrying a Concealed Weapon
To conceal is to hide, so to carry concealed a weapon is to wear it in a place that is not visible to anyone. A person wanting to carry a concealed weapon must obtain a license to do so. Before a person is able to obtain that license they must first go through the licensing process of owning a firearm which includes: submitting an application, a safety demonstration, firearm safety certificate, waiting the 30 day requirement, proof of residency and not being on the list that prohibits a person from owning a firearm.
A person carrying a handgun concealed on his or her person or in a vehicle who does not have a license to carry that weapon is breaking the law. However, if the firearm is locked in a vehicle’s trunk or in some type of locked case being carried within the vehicle, so long as it is not in the glove compartment or in the utility, is not breaking the law.
Nor is it breaking the law if a firearm is being transported in a locked container to or from a vehicle for any lawful reason. Another instance where this law does not apply is to licensed fishermen and/or hunters while they are engaged in fishing and/or hunting.
This exception also includes traveling to or from the hunting trip. It is important to understand that this exception does not mean that the person can carry a loaded firearm. The unloaded firearm(s) must be transported in a locked container other than the utility or glove compartments, for example, in the trunk.
Requirement – Licensed to Carry Concealed Weapons
In order to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun or any other firearm the sheriff of the county in which you live in, or the chief of the city Police Department of the city in which you live in must grant you permission. That permission will only be granted if you are found to have good moral character and you must also have a good reason for needing to carry a concealed weapon. You must also not be prohibited from possessing any type of firearm.
If you live in a county where the population is less than 200,000 people the person who has the licensing authority may issue a license to carry a revolver, pistol or other firearms capable of being concealed.
There are also career exceptions that allow a person to carry concealed weapon while engaged in specific, job-related, activities.
Note: A license is valid throughout the state, unless there is some sort of restriction stated.