Be Aware of what is Beyond Your Target
There is a lot of time spent explaining how to take care of a firearm properly. Any person wanting to own a firearm must complete a firearm training course and earn their Firearm Certificate. The firearm training class will go over many things, including how to properly maintain a firearm. The course will also go over how to properly and safely store their firearm. There is not however, as much about being aware of what is beyond the target.
First let’s talk about what beyond the target means. Most people understand what personal space means. It is the area around your body that belongs to you. When we are walking or interacting with other people we are careful to stay out of their personal space. When other things are added into the picture, for example moving furniture, we have to be more careful as we move so as not to run into someone.
Understanding what the term beyond the target means is extremely important when it comes to a firearm. When shooting a firearm, even when at a firing range, it is possible for the bullet to go farther than anticipated. If the bullet travels farther than expected it could potentially run into something or worse someone.
Part of understanding what a firearm can do is understanding how far a bullet can travel. It is important to note here that different firearms have the ability to shoot different distances. Once you understand how far the firearm you are using can shoot then you can properly analyze how far the bullet could go if it misses the potential target. Understanding how far the bullet could go allows a person to look beyond the target to determine if there is anything in the bullet‘s path.
If a person is shooting, for example, at a can 100 feet away and misses the can, the person needs to know where that bullet could end up. Are there trees or possibly animals beyond the target? Are there other people in the vicinity? If the person does not look beyond the target and ends up shooting someone they are liable for causing that injury.
The last thing anyone wants to do is be responsible for injuring someone accidentally because they did not look beyond their target. Looking beyond the target is an essential habit anyone wanting to own a firearm needs to practice every time they shoot their firearm.
Owning a firearm is a big responsibility and anyone wanting to own a firearm needs to be aware of what is beyond the target. Being aware of what you could potentially shoot if you miss your target is an essential safety step tied to owning a firearm. Owning a firearm must be first and fore most about safety.